
Oh boy. Just when I thought I had already hit rock bottom, I began staying in school all day till like 2am doing projects and then coming home and staying up the rest of the night to do more work. And I started to skip the first lecture of the day, which is bad cuz I think they're taking attendance by having us submit scraps of paper at the end every time.

Thurdays afternoons and nights I love the most. It's the only time to relax, before thoughts of flunking the prelim next tuesday creep in, the only day of the week when the next homework dateline is still at least 4 days away, before the next round of meetings, presentations, machining. The weekend always seem like there's gonna be plenty of time to get down to work but that is exactly the opposite feeling you get when you wake up on sunday morning feeling guilty about not having done enough.

I guess I have to balance having fun and doing work, but the pressure of having to do well enough is making me forgo quite a bit ie. snowboarding on thu/fri and the weekend, drinking over the weekend. Seems that I just can't let myself go out too much. Or maybe I'm just too inefficient with the laptop in front of me. Sometimes I think that I'd feel better wasting time looking at the computer screen with at least the homework/textbook within 1 m than to doing something that's more exciting.

[here's an example of what I do online. I was excited about the developments in Singapore, like the harborfront mall, the giant ferris wheel, the new downtown, changi terminal 3, the marina barrage etc. Seriously architectural renderings, design ideas, scale models of buildings; they're like porn to me. Nothing gets me off better. So there's gonna be a space port for launching rides to the edge of space for like $100000? That is absurdly intriguing. Suffice to say, 2008-9 are exciting times to be back in Singapore. I think the best piece of news is that of building 3 new parks in the marina bay, including space for huge outdoor concerts. Wow. Think Chicago's millenium park and Gehry's pritzker pavilion, or hyde park, or the hollywood bowl. I hope there is a huge fountain like bellagio's there too. Maybe right beside the casino...]

And then there's the problem of spring break. So I decided to curb my expenses and not go to miami. So no beaches, no rollercoasters, no crobar, no hot chicks in bikinis. Instead I get to lie in bed all day, watch all seasons of 24, movies, and blast music all day and maybe do some work instead of always rushing back to finish it or doing it in hotel rooms (see fall break). And yay, I may get to hang out with my favorite RA and eat wonderfully delicious instant noodles with my sriracha hot chili sauce. The biggest plus is that I'll have more money for summer travelling.

Summer summer summer.

I want it to be warm enough for like midnight jogs. Today the heaviest snow in maybe the whole season fell. I had always worn my boots when it's a snowy day but then when I walk out there it turns out not slippery and stuff, so today I went with the sneakers (permanently discolored) and the paths were slick as hell. Don't you also like the hush that comes when snow falls, the quietness that blankets everything. I should have had a camera with me. Outside one of the halls were tables and chairs, with a layer of about 6 inches of snow on top. Pretty.

[Hmm I think there's a study break downstairs.]

Let's talk about music too. Is it just me or is faye wong's fable the best chinese album ever. There are like layers that unpeel a little bit more every time-- there's just so much mystery to it that it sounds fresh every time. Also love how coherent it is; every song flows seamlessly into the next and yet stand on their own. I don't think most albums are capable of that.
