
Oh man, despite stalking Hillary Clinton, or rather hovering around her entourage, for the length of the reception, I still didn't get her autograph!! I hate myself really, although I'm pretty sure I'm in the background of her and Tony Blair's photo-ops. I even stood there waiting for her to come down from the rooftop party, gave the chance of chasing Raul a miss, and when it came to the moment when she walked by and I looked into her eyes and we smiled at each other, the line "mrs Clinton could I have your autograph please?" simply refused to leave my mouth. I was that awe struck.

There is this attribution theory, whereby if things don't go your way, you blame it on some irrelevant factors. In this case, I'll attribute my autograph grabbing ineptness to the fact that we weren't supposed to harrass them.. this is going to haunt me for days. In fact, I'm not gloating, but I just knew that something would happen to zj's signatures- they were smudged. Something bad was bound to happen.

More news:
Very few of us got to see david beckham and he snuck away after the ceremony quickly. His wife didn't come/didn't get invited.
PM Lee requested for room temperature evian. I also heard that MM Lee prefers room temperature beer on flights. Weird huh.
Most hardworking- Tony Blair. He had to fly back that very night to host the G8 summit today. I just love these people's jet set lifestyle.
Most unfortunate- wheelchair basketballer Ade Adepitan who got ambushed outside our hotel room for autographs and photos.

..meeting time..