
Lindsay lost to Venus!
Urgh. My craving for cheesecake and nydc baked rice is so over. I think I should be eating more singaporean and chinese food instead while I still can.

Anyway the gss seems to be enjoying a second wind. The prices are cut down to 50% and the malls are packed with people. But I realise that I'm getting sian of talking about shopping. There's too much talk and little action. Yup. Tonight was a series of slightly unfortunate events. Karen flew our aeroplane because she was sick and Nick spent like approximately 3 hours looking for parking. At least that's what I gathered from his sporadic calls and smses. So Keith, Zhenjin and I went to chijmes to catch the big screen telecast of LIVE8, the global concert with the noble aim of making poverty history. We passed by raffles city and the security there is just scary. Gurhkas standing guard 24-7 and metal detectors at the hotel entrance plus those spiky road blocks. We didn't manage to find a seat at the basement among the funky amgmoh crowd. Some of them were cheering for bono and whatever performer was on stage. So we ended up sitting on the grass patch upstairs. We saw a camera crew walking around so we tried to look glam so that they would approach us. In deed they did and we had to shout "starhub rocks" while they filmed us. I did it with a lot of facial expression. Watch out for us in the next starhub corporate video man. The upside was that green day was terrific. Billie Joe Armstrong had the berlin crowd and us eating out of his hands when proclaiming things like "This next song is a call-out to all the fucking politicians for all the injustices in the world.." and "No matter what they say, You're the fucking leaders, you have the power..." He was really good at making the audience participate too. Very rock and roll. Too bad I can't stay up all night to catch the likes of madonna and mariah carey and the killers.