
It's photo blog time! That hand, my hand, was what I drew on the whiteboard in the office. It shows how boliau I get. The best question I got asked last week was by keith teo: "Why are you always online?" It's not that I am purposely slacking, but there's really nothing to do sometimes, as other interns will attest to. The lack of technical knowledge is really a big drawback. But I got praise from my supervisor! Damn happy. He says he owes me a lunch for giving him what he wanted. One more week. Then I can go to k lunch and watch cheap movies on weekdays.

As some of you know already, my gadgets have failed me one by one. My phone, my lomo and then my ipod. It simply froze up and then couldn't be reset or restored. Before this, I had no idea the monochromatic screen could display so much crap. There was the batt sign with exclamation mark, the folder sign with exclamation mark, the dreaded apple logo, even diagnostic tests. I was shattered. At my lowest point I took this photo.

The appropriate caption would be "r.i.p. - where is the love?" I was thinking there was not enough time to go down to the respective service centres. Like this morning, I couldn't wake up early enough to go to the apple centre in yio chu kang.

However, miracles do happen. I solved the lomo shutter problem by replacing the batteries. So this is the expensive lesson- if the red lights on the lc-a aren't working, it means the batteries are kaput. And then today, while passing time away at ps, I took out the ipod on a whim and holy cow!! it was back to normal. It was such a relief, though it means that I can't replace it with a brand new unscratched ipod anymore.

But seriously, it was sobering to live without the ipod. No longer could I tune out of my surroundings when working, when on the bus or train, when walking. I had to endure listening to my colleagues' conversations. I could not play my "catwalk music" and sashay down the street in confidence and style. I did not have an excuse for using the back as a mirror. To live in a world of music is a fortune indeed.

BBQ at east coast park was less of a bbq and more of a card playing session. I learnt how to play german bridge and a really mindblowing uno card game in which you make up your own rules. Needless to say, I got lost pretty quick. When the full moon first appeared, it was burning orange bright and looked more like a volcano's lava glow. It was big as well, being near the horizon. It took nearly 12 seconds of exposure to get the picture. Damn I want the new ixus. Or any othe slim good camera for that matter.

Huge thanks to yaohong and girlfriend for queing up for 5 hours and getting me a personalised autograph! Big up!


Type a word and draw it out. It needs a lot of inspiration to do a decent one.

Anyway wanted to write something about how much better Singapore will be by 2009 and stuff like "is the way we must live now" aka living with terrorism but too tired liao. Another time perhaps.