
My obs watch and its adopted members are damn on and we do the craziest things. Like madly taking photos over and over again, drinking beer and playing cards and singing songs loudly in public. And singing national day songs when looking at fireworks, and challenging each other to chinese tongue twisters, and pretending to be ac or astar people.

Our dance worked it out! Dying for all the photos!


14 august --> tokyo--> detroit--> ithaca. Got to be at the airport at 4am. No one's gonna send me off! Fuck northwest.


Oh yah and a new list-
chee wei's 5 most therapeutic activities

5. Washing dishes and seeing the plates disappear from the basin one by one, followed by the water flowing down the sinkhole in a whirlpool.

4. Walking down orchard with hands full of shopping bags. Feeling the heat emanating from a laptop's keyboard in an air conditioned office.

3. Singing along to the most bansheeish tori amos songs.

2. Bursting bubble wrap one by one and then many by many.

1. Talking about how everyone knows each other six-degrees style, and how people you know will suddenly become famous public figures while you get stuck behind, and how insecure you feel and then finding out that everyone feels the same way.