
it's 4 months and 3 weeks.

this week, i thought, i don't think i'll be able to last that long.
this week was once of the worst weeks ever. if our morale were the stock index, we would have plunged into a dire financial crisis. monday- 7 o'clock briefings. higher ups conclude that the reason for 42sar's spate of accidents is our lack of discipline. more standbys and safety checks promised. tuesday- everyone gets fucked. i get fucked. i sign extra for not putting up bos board. DU-LAN. wed- last minute CO parade. i get scolded again for not bringing 11b to cookhouse. thurs- soc cancelled because of rain. fri- vehicle drills. my section couldn't put up the camo net in time. F.K. pulls stunt.
i'm starting to laugh at everything. i think i'm going crazy. this afternoon, i said every word with a 'z' behind. like 'trophies' become 'trophz'. like 'whatz moviez is-z worthz watchingz.'

a guy got charged for putting extra weights in his field pack.


a guy got charged for threatening to commit suicide if the counsellor doesn't let him stay out.


a guy got charged for falling asleep in a helicopter.


my platoon sergeant: guys you have to make a few boards for next week's combat shoot. make sure the words are audible.

dominic: let's follow the jews! let's buy a few hdb flats and refuse to sell it. we can declare toa payoh an independent state!
me: don't you have to need a passport to buy groceries?
dominic: no, it will be a self contained state! ok.. maybe you need one to go orchard to buy prada.

and so on.

to make myself happy, self-delusional happy, i have tons of dvds to watch. now if only i could get people to eat cupcakes with me at the marmalade pantry.
and wow. the champions show is full of pretty people and a script that writes like the characters are in kindergarten. they talk stupid and they act childish. case in point:

jing wen (the girl): you are L.C.
guy: what's that?
jing wen: low class!
jing wen: your are a P.I.G.
guy: now, what's P.I.G.?
after 10secs, guy: pig?
jingwen: you are L.C.P.I.G.!

you have to watch it to believe it. it is downright hilarious.