
for your consideration

Oooh here's one cool thing we won't be able to see. Installation in the Pantheon that's only on till Dec 31st.
6 hainanese chicken rice in 60 hours.
What code doesn't do in real life (that it does in movies).
Many many lists for those of you who love lists. Love the top 5 movie posters of 2006.
Buy two shirts and get one free. I'm tempted.
Battlestar Galacticsimpsons. Very very very cute. That said, I thought the last episode was filler-ish. They need to get the overaching plotlines going..

Today's quotes of the day are:
Karen: "I tell you I'm turning into a housewife."
Joel: "I'm 18 and I'm twinky."

I've got two more finals and I'm in no mood to study for them. I think I'm fucked.
You know, sometimes in the still of the night, lying in bed, I still kick myself for fucking up the ura interview.