
I clocked 12 hours of sleep last night. Woot! I got woken up by the service people, who were knocking loudly on every door. When they came to my room, I jumped out of bed while they barged right in. Thank goodness I wasn't naked.
Decided to get off of my ass and go for run. I don't think I'll run again till it gets above 10 deg. Turns out, jogging in -5 and wind ain't fun. I was also afraid of slipping on the snow, so I cut the route short to 2+ k.
Friends in miami are having a crazy time and getting all tanned. I feel like I'm missing out on the tanning part.

Also watched all the oscar movies, finally. Walk the line, like what Jon Stewart said, was Ray with white people. (btw, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report predicted all the winners correctly, using his Da Colbert Code. Hahahaa. You gotta dig it up from youtube, it's hilarious). I never knew June Carter Cash had such a flitty onstage persona. You'd think she spawned Dolly Parton.
Crash was hmmmm not that great. The best moment was when everyone including me thought that the little girl got shot. I mirrored her parents' reactions and did an extended open mouthed 'Noooo' silent scream.
Also it slipped into black and white for no reason, at the same time as 'for your consideration' flashed across the screen.
I liked Capote, because he's such a conniving bastard. Didn't know that Truman Capote and Harper Lee were neighbours and best friend. Anyway it was cool to see Capote's breakdown juxtaposed with Harper Lee's success with To Kill a Mockingbird. It's also interesting that both of them never wrote a book again. Last I read National Geographic, they featured Monroeville and reported that they put up the Mockingbird play every year. It's this huge thing but the author has become totally reclusive, refusing interviews and such. Well, in this movie, she's more outgoing?.. so that was a little surprising
Goodnight and Good Luck, it's in black and white and about reporters, so I gave up after 10 mins. I'll try to watch it again another time.

The Constant Gardener is the one to watch. The story didn't do that much for me, maybe because the bad guys don't get caught in the end, but the directing and cinematography were astonishing. The same guys who did City of God. Loved loved loved the bright Technicolors of Africa, brilliant blues and scorched earth yellows. It worked as a contrast to the dull greys of London. I need more movies like that.

I want to make a movie.

Movies still waiting to be watched-- Syrianna, Pride & Prejudice.
Movies I think will have to wait till summer-- Rushmore, the Usual Suspects, Virgin Suicides, Training Day, Annie Hall, Reservoir Dogs, Before Sunrise, Girl Interrupted, Princess Monomoke.

I want a good version of Match Point. Has anyone watched The Squid and the Whale?

Oh, and I had the worst hangover on Saturday since 2003.