
Just went for a catch up dinner with the army guys. Everyone's been very busy. They are all either doing a super slack well paying starhub job, data entry, waitering, door to door marketing: "I want to know what rejection feels like", or self employed. I was rather put on the spot when people tell me to justify my slacking for the past few weeks. Surprisingly I could come up with lengthy explanations: "I did a lot of things!" to counter all the you've-been-sitting-on-your-chair-getting-high-on-marijuana accusations.

I find that the problem with such gatherings is that once you start reminiscing, you will go on and on about it. Then there will be the inevitable spot-on impersonations and jokes that have been cracked more than a few times. Of course I still find the jokes funny, but I'm no good at talking about the past.

On Friday, I reached a new level, the previous level being resorting to play yahoo games at night. I went to the jurong library to "study" with Waiyong. I brought along the cambridge prep questions for engineers and attempted to revise on physics and math. But then I forgot even the simplest integration, which explains the pile of notes spread on the ground.

But hey, now I kind of know how to do partial integration.

I've stopped watching the o.c. (the o.c. is o.ver.) but then the cast for november's season 3 looks promising, with demi moore as possibly summer's step mom or birth mom.

SUGGEST TSHIRT SLOGANS! I'm terribly uncreative and unoriginal so spare me your creative juices.