one of the great things about fellow human beings is that they don't tell you that you left your fly wide open. this morning i went to camp in all my unzipped glory. i didn't notice if anyone was staring at me in the mrt cuz i was snoozing away. i only realised it when the guard commander at the gate asked me if there was something wrong with my zip. i don't know why he was looking at my crotch though.
reality check: i kept telling my hairdresser to cut my hair as ah beng as possible but she told me that i look too kuai to ever carry off a beng hairstyle.
i went to billy bomber's again yesterday for dinner, which turned out to be boring. that is exactly what is wrong with going out with army friends whom you've already seen for the past 6 days. we couldn't get to watch any movie and i was being an anal retentive sourpuss. i was anti-pool, anti-arcade and anti-lan. the only thing i remotely wanted to do was to sing karaoke. shopping was a revelation. sometimes if you keep wearing the same type of clothes, they will come to define you. we were making fun of the men- garish loud long sleeved shirts were deemed wong-style, imaginatively named after one of my men wong.
listening to lamb's best-of compilation is like listening to a soundtrack for an unmade romantic retro-futuristic noir film. it is at once intoxicating, lush and comforting, perfect for space travelling astronauts. best bit: the second chorus of til the clouds clear, when lou's voice takes on wanting urgency and soars into the stratosphere amid increasingly claustrophobic beats.
note to self: there are driving test slots available on jan 26, 28 and 31. dunno if i'll be free.