
these are dangerous times indeed.

everyone has had a friend of a friend who's been fined about a thousand dollars for sharing files on kazaa. then some people started to get scared and now i'm becomng paranoid too. i resolved to delete kazaa and go cold turkey for the time being, or find alternative avenues to download stuff and maybe burn my mp3s and clean up the computer.. but when i got down to doing it i realised that it was impossible to delete the program. even when it's already in the recycle being it has a strange way of having its source code used. perhaps it's the spyware but i dunno how to access the windows registry. no freaking website i searched for gave me a clue on how to delete it properly. the forums were full of people having trouble using it instead.

it's giving me a headache and i feel like trashing the computer.

i have a dapper looking thom yorke poster staring down at me. he's a cynic.

i probrably should buy a book to read in taiwan since i'm not likely to be bringing my discman. top of the list: middlesex. i saw it while walking around today with morris. haha. such unfortunately unfruitful shopping. i'm still looking for my vintage tshirts. for all my enthusiasm about the andrea shirt i decided not to wear it after i got a weird stare from this mat just downstairs. i am decidedly not an attention seeker. sometimes.

the army half marathon wasn't that bad either. i only missed out on the goodie bag and free milk. i got the gatorade and indochine though. i actually ran for the most part, except on the sheares bridge, where everyone was just walking. and just when i thought on sat night that i've reached a point where i wondered if i have anything left to blog and if all this matters, all this shit came out.

yes i hope my life isn't as boring as i suspect it to be.

rest in peace, johnny cash.