
not having to book in on sunday feels really really good.

more on the tree top walk... the coolest part was when we walked to the bukit timah area and had to cross the railroad, and nobody believed morris when he said there was a train coming until we actually got onto the tracks. man, should have taken a photo then.

speaking of hongkong serials, why do they use the same dubbing people for the same actors? for example, the actress who plays ah-may on zhenqing always get the bratty whiny voice.. although that may be due to the fact that she always plays the same bratty whiny characters in all her shows.

i was at kino today and there are always cool things at kino. today i found a sticker book with 50 real stickers by some graphic designers as well as miniature replica chairs from the vitra musuem. there's lots of andy warhol stuff but i'm not that into him.

found on a certain blog: "Outrageous! My sex drive. Outrageous! My shopping spree. Everything about me is so outrageous. But I am is just a lil lamb..bah...bah..."

mon. work.
tue. work.
wed. work.
thu. ffi + ktv.
fri. driving + night cycling.
sat. ord party.
i've been successful in lining up my programme for next week.. i hope that every week will be as packed as this one. but unlikely lah..