
i <3 my new house

[ 10 years from now, I predict that cities on earth will have their own virtual counterparts, which are their own living and breathing entities. Buildings, people, traffic translated into bytes. You would no longer have to travel to places physically. This is a preview of a new computer game:

Via Digitally Distributed Environments, which also documents efforts underway to further enhance google earth and other Microsoft projects. ]

[ After inventing the term truthiness, Stephen Colbert coins a new term-- Wikiality. He added false data to the encyclopedia during his show and asked viewers to do the same, causing chaos and prompting Wikipedia to suspend his account. ]

[ Don't usually like cats, but this video is hilarious. Cat clearly suffering from OCD flushes the toilet repeatedly. Remember I once had this great idea about taking a picture of yourself for ten years and making a video out of it? (9) I wasn't alone. ]

[ Really good jokes about McGyllenStrong. All you people who fancy celebrity gossip blogs, check out goldenfiddle.com and the uber cool shirt they are peddling: Namibia is for Lovers! I felt like buying it but it's sheer. ]

[ The artist behind Cloud Gate comes to New York. A 3 storey high mirror is bound to attract tons of tourists, including me. Do not underestimate the power of huge reflective surfaces. ]

My new house rocks. Pictures coming soon.
And if you're not on my msn, this is what the italic print reads:
2 weeks to prison break! 1 week to snakes on a plane! (10)

(9) You don't? Try looking up in the archives. Damn, do I remember the trash I'd written.
(10) And sadly, 3 weeks to turning 22. That's like, real fucking old.