- The Lourve pyramid; went on a free sunday. You could queue in the underground area leading to the inverted pyramid or outside here, in the hot sun. Paris was hot, literally. Sun was out every day, and yet people were still well decked in jackets and blazers. Oh and Paris Hilton's song is kinda catchy too.
- Eiffel Tower. It was too crowded for us to go up. Maybe next time.
- Underneath the Arc de Triomphe. Also there: a memorial for an unknown soldier. Seems like there are such unknown soldier memorials everywhere huh.
- A well hung man.
- The round pond in Jardin des Tuileries. I wish I were small enough to get on the little boat and sail across the pond as if it were an ocean.
- The magnificently cluttered interior of the Shakespeare book store. Yeah, the one in Before Sunset. A cool hang out place--just walls of books and a shaky staircase.
- A painting I really liked. I thought it was unusual, considering the snowy landscape.
- The Buddha Bar's Buddha.
- Really really young cheerleaders with really really short skirts.
- Lourve courtyard. It's easy to get disoriented inside, hallways leading into more hallways-- I took about an hour to find the mona lisa.